Dragon Art For Sale Part 1/龍 出售

主題(Title) : 龍, 納加, 那伽, Dragon, Naga, lung, loong
小(Size) : ~17.5*~8.5 cm
狀態(Condition) : 未裱,Unframe
價格(Price) :78.88 Euros/ Pieces
運費(Postage: 2 Euros
P/S:如要裱框服務,請聯絡負責人,先生, email: 88naga@gmail.com,費用由€10歐元~€40歐元, 視材質而定,裱框費時約7~20天。/ If u need framing service, Please contact Mr. Loh (email: 88naga@gmail.com).The cost will be €10 to €40, depends on material and take 10-20 day to finish the framing work which is weather depended.

Dragon Art For Sale Part 2/龍 出售

主題(Title) : 龍, 納加, 那伽, Dragon, Naga, lung, loong
小(Size) : ~17.5*~8.5 cm
狀態(Condition) : 未裱,Unframe
價格(Price) :78.88 Euros/ Pieces
運費(Postage: 2 Euros
P/S:如要裱框服務,請聯絡負責人,先生, email: 88naga@gmail.com,費用由€10歐元~€40歐元, 視材質而定,裱框費時約7~20天。/ If u need framing service, Please contact Mr. Loh (email: 88naga@gmail.com).The cost will be €10 to €40, depends on material and take 10-20 day to finish the framing work which is weather depended.

最前衛的書法展/Taiwan Federal Highway Calligraphy Exhibition

在高速公路旁的 T-bar作書法展出, 可能是台灣近年首見吧.
大家經過時不妨注意一下. 位置在中山高北上
Taiwan Federal Highway Calligraphy Exhibition.

Sold Product



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1. All items on this website is only valid through online purchase. If you are in Taipei , you may make an appointment to see the items or visit the showroom located in Zhonghe.

2. All items listed is only one piece or one set , no duplicate item currently.

3. Price is only EUROS ().

4. The postage (stamping charges) is payable by the customer.

5. Free shipping for domestic purchaseTaiwanonly.

6. Payment Method: 1. Bank Transfer 2. ATMTaiwan 3. Credit Card (By Paypal , http://www.paypal.com, Recommend)

How to order:

1. Please E-mail to Mr. Loh (88naga@gmail.com) with detail as below:

a. item: ??????#Nature Art

b. Name:

c. Country:

d. addressee’s name

e. shipping address:

f: shipping Tel

h. payment methodBank Ttransfer, Credit card by paypal.

2. With your on-line order received, a formal Pro-forma Invoice will be sent to you via e-mail according to the on-hand inventory balance of products. Products reservation period is 5 days, order will be cancelled automatically when payment due date expired.

3. When your payment received, all ordered item would be mailed via the international air EMS Speedpost as quickly as possible. The Products, in general, will be delivered to the destination during 5~7 days.

4. If you did not receive a formal Pro-forma Invoice, Please do not make any Bank transfer or Credit card payment.

5. For domestic purchasing in Taiwan area, please pay in NT Dollar, we will note the total on Pro-forma Invoice.

6. If you like to pay through Paypal , we will send payment notice through Paypal.