Dragon Art For Sale Part 1/龍 出售

主題(Title) : 龍, 納加, 那伽, Dragon, Naga, lung, loong
小(Size) : ~17.5*~8.5 cm
狀態(Condition) : 未裱,Unframe
價格(Price) :78.88 Euros/ Pieces
運費(Postage: 2 Euros
P/S:如要裱框服務,請聯絡負責人,先生, email: 88naga@gmail.com,費用由€10歐元~€40歐元, 視材質而定,裱框費時約7~20天。/ If u need framing service, Please contact Mr. Loh (email: 88naga@gmail.com).The cost will be €10 to €40, depends on material and take 10-20 day to finish the framing work which is weather depended.